Friday, 12 September 2014


Greetings to all fellow biochemists in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ whose sufficient love has kept and preserve us all through this long vacation till today. Praise be his name!
It is with greatest joy to know that we will be meeting soon to carry on with our academic works even after all this long hazy and fuzzy postponement of the re-opening. I believe you are as relieved as I am to be back to school soon. I do believe and hope that we would come back feeling refreshed and renewed to carry on with our academics. I would also love to use this platform to call for togetherness amongst us so as to push our dear association to become one of the best; for together we stand and divided we fall.
Also, I want to congratulate all of us for making it to the next level; to my level 200's; I say keep on building on your GPA before the journey becomes tough; to the level 300's; hmmm I know you have heard all the rumors about how challenging that level is. Well, it's all up to you; for this is the stage to see if your GPA will be able to "stand the test of time" but I do believe in you guys; YOU CAN MAKE IT! To my colleague level 400's; whoa, we are in the last but one semester, let us put in all that we have left in us to finish in a grand style. And I believe the Lord who rewards hardwork will certainly see us through.
Finally, to my precious freshers; I say welcome to the university of Choice in Ghana and to the one of the most interesting departments. Here at the biochemistry department, we are one big family so just feel free and mingle. My advise to you is that BE YOURSELF! Don't come and pretend to be someone you are not. Take your academics serious, choose your friends wisely and above all keep praying.
On behalf of my executives and I, I wish you a fruitful semester. Peace- SHALOM.